The 8 best pintxos
in San Sebastián
In San Sebastián we love ‘potear’, which means bar hopping. Going from bar to bar trying a pintxo and a wine in each one. Everyone has its specialty.
However, San Sebastian bars are not really big and nowadays are crowded and not allowed big groups. That is why we create The 8 Best.
We have choosen our 8 favourite pintxos in San Sebastián and recreate them. Avoid divinding your team in small parties and waiting queues and enjoy them at our school. You decide the format of the activity: a cooking class, pintxos cooking contest or a showcooking dinner. Regardless of what you choose, you will taste the best pintxos of the city with all the facilities of our school.
Looking for best tapas in San Sebastián? Let us explain you the difference
The tapas and pintxos have a completely different origin. While tapas were born in the interior and South Spain, with the ancient custom of bars of covering cups and glasses with a piece of bread or a slice of ham, to prevent dirt or dust from entering them, pintxos were born in Basque Country.
The gilda is known as the first pintxo, and still one of the best pintxos in San Sebastián. After it, a huge culture exploded around pintxos in the last century, with every bar and chef fighting to create the best bite.

Do you want to learn more about San Sebastián Pintxos?
Then we have the perfect class for you: Pintxos, Tapas and more. It includes a visit to the market, where you make the shopping and try a pintxo. Then you have a pintxo and a wine at a bar on your way back to the school, where finally you cook iconic pintxos.
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The 8 best pintxos
in San Sebastián
In San Sebastián we love ‘potear’, which means bar hopping. Going from bar to bar trying a pintxo and a wine in each one. Everyone has its specialty.
However, San Sebastian bars are not really big and nowadays are crowded and not allowed big groups. That is why we create The 8 Best.
We have choosen our 8 favourite pintxos in San Sebastián and recreate them. Avoid divinding your team in small parties and waiting queues and enjoy them at our school. You decide the format of the activity: a cooking class, pintxos cooking contest or a showcooking dinner. Regardless of what you choose, you will taste the best pintxos of the city with all the facilities of our school.

Do you want to learn more about San Sebastián Pintxos?
Then we have the perfect class for you: Pintxos, Tapas and more. It includes a visit to the market, where you make the shopping and try a pintxo. Then you have a pintxo and a wine at a bar on your way back to the school, where finally you cook iconic pintxos.
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